Sunday, October 31, 2010

all about me myself and I

This is about me. It is about finding happiness, it is about my sanity, my marriage, my integrity, finding the me I know is a good, kind, useful, intelligent, loving human being. It is about seeing myself through my own eyes and loving myself, warts and all. It is about accepting that I can't live my life looking for the approval and love that I might never get. It is about my beauty, my body, my life, my past, my health, my future. It is about knowing I am worthy and that I can't change the past, control the future, and the power is within me to choose happiness now. It is about moving on.

The rules are simple. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Live with integrity. Be kind, to yourself and others. Say I love you, I'm sorry, please, and thank you, and say it often. Love and forgive yourself with the same courage and empathy you have shown others.

The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour. ~Japanese Proverb

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