Saturday, November 15, 2014

Happy Birthday, Lori

Thank you for listening to me when I need to talk or vent. Playing the devils advocate which irritates the hell out of me until I realize it is your way of being impartial, sensible, logical, and rational; thereby helping me to think things through.

Thank you for encouraging the bond of sisters. In this busy day and age we tend to forget to celebrate our closest allies.

Thank you for your hand-written letters over a period of years some time ago. Sometimes I read them and they bring back memories and a recollection of the days when people actually took the time to do that.

Thank you for your witty, sassy, plucky, soulful, frank, and fabulous personality. You always bring a chuckle to a conversation.

Thank you for being sentimental and vulnerable while managing to be strong, inspiring, outspoken, and capable.

Thank you for your memories of Mom and Dad when you were still at home and I was thousand of miles away. You knew and have shared details I would not otherwise know.

Thank you for your facebook musings that I look forward to. You are quite a talented writer. Please refer back to the witty, sassy, plucky comment above.

Thank you for your generous and beautiful spirit. Your willingness to forgive, to open your heart.

Happy Birthday Sister.

Love you,


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